Naruto quotes [Volume 58: Episodes 545 - 555] : Naruto vs Itachi

Gaara's dad: The only thing a parent needs to do is trust in his children. That's all and that in itself has true value.
Yasamaru (Gaara's Uncle to Gaara): When your body gets hurt, blood comes from wound and that can make it look painful but after sometime passes, the pain fades away on it's own and if you use medicine, it heals even faster. The problem is with wounds in your heart, there's nothing that can fix those. They can stay with you your whole life and never heal.
R Itachi (to Naruto): You have subjugated the nine-tails? I never thought that you would advance so far.
R Itachi (to Naruto): I am counting on you to take care of Sasuke.
Kabuto: I underestimated him, Uchiha Itachi . . . he's clearly on another level to the others, not even the edo tensei can hold him.
Itachi (to Naruto): The ultimate genjutsu of Uchiha Shisui's Mangekyo Sharingan, 'Koto Amatsukami'.
Itachi: Shisui's eyes create a most powerful genjutsu, able to control an individual without them even noticing. I embedded the command 'protect Konoha' as a genjutsu into Shisui's eyes and in turn I embedded his eyes into that crow and entrusted it to you Naruto. I never dreamed it would end up being used against me though.
Itachi: Self-sacrifice . . . a nameless shinobi who protects peace from within it's shadow . . . that is a true shinobi. Shisui taught me that.
Itachi (to Naruto): If the brother I left behind ever became a threat to the village . . . as the keeper of Shisui's eye, it would meant that I destroyed his trust. You were the only one who could hope to correct this.
Itachi (to Naruto): You called Sasuke your brother, Naruto. This is why I felt that only you could stop Sasuke if the time ever came.
Naruto: Itachi thank you for trusting me, you don't have to worry anymore. You have done more than enough for the village already, leave the rest to me.
Itachi (to Naruto): I am grateful that my little brother has a friend like you.
Itachi (to Naruto and Killer Bee): It's not about being relaxed. You have to be calm to analyze the situation properly.
Itachi: Every technique has a weakness.
Itachi: Every technique has a catch that can be exploited.
Nagato: Naruto, I am going back to where our teacher waits for me, to watch how your story ends. I think you are the third part of this trilogy; the first was Jiraiya and he was a masterpiece. But I, I was a garbage, an utter failure, my way was wrong. Even our master wouldn't acknowledge me as a true part of the series. The third and final part is here. Be so stellar that everyone forgets how horrible the second part was Naruto.
Itachi (to Naruto): Don't try to do everything yourself.
Itachi (to Naruto): It's different you are different, stronger than before. But it seems to me you might be losing sight of what's important. Listen and listen well. The reason the villagers who used to dislike you began to trust you and think of you as a comrade was that you always acknowledge that they were there, and you always tried your hardest to be acknowledged by them. You said before that you couldn’t have made it this far without them. If you fixate your attentions onto your 'self' becoming arrogant and forgetting others . . .you will one day become like Madara.
Itachi (to Naruto): No matter how strong you become, don't try to bear the weight by yourself; you will fail.
Itachi (to Naruto): The village didn't acknowledge your father, the fourth Hokage because he became the Hokage, he became the Hokage because the Village acknowledged him. Don't forget about your friends.
Itachi (to Naruto): You have something greater than Shisui's eyes, you have the same heart as him. The real thing Shisui wanted to pass down was that.
Itachi (to Naruto): I already tried to do everything alone once and I failed. This time I will leave it to my comrades.
Killer Bee (to Itachi): You are more than just another strong shinobi.
Naruto (to Gaara): I don't plan on dying before I become Hokage. Don't go treating people like they are little kids just because you are already Kazekage.
P.S. If you think i have missed any of the other quotes, please leave a comment [along with the episode title and time frame or manga page] so i can update the list. Thanks :)
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