Naruto Volume 3 quotes [Episodes 18 - 27]

Kaiza (Inari's father): If you're a man, choose a life of no regrets.
Kaiza: For something that is precious to you; no matter how tough, no matter how sad, you must try and try … and even if you lose your life, protect it with these two arms. If you do that, even if you die, the proof of a man's life will remain forever.
Naruto: I'm going to prove that in this world Hero’s do exists!!
Haku: When a person has something important to protect, that's when they can truly become strong.
Kakashi Sensei: To abandon your duty is not courageous. Below the courageous there is nothing. Those are previous Hokage's words. That is the way of shinobi. Shinobi's don't move because of money alone.
Inari: No matter what glorious claims you make or how hard you work, when facing the strong, the weak will only end up getting killed.
Inari (To Naruto): What the hell do you know about me? I'm different from you. You are always clowning around and acting so cheerful, you don't know how hard life can be.
Naruto (to Inari): So it's ok for you to pose as the star of a tragedy and cry all day? Just keep crying forever you idiot! You little sissy!!
Kakashi Sensei (to Inari): Like you Naruto also grew up without a father. Actually he has never known his parents and he has never even had a single friend. The truth is he's had a rougher past than you. But I have never once seen him cry or complain. He's always trying his best to get people to acknowledge him. For that dream he'd risk his life at any time. He's probably sick and tired of crying.
Naruto: Sorry for being late but a hero usually shows up at the last second.
Naruto: It's alright to cry when you are happy.
Naruto: Man, it sure is tough being a hero.
Kakashi Sensei: I can't have you underestimating my team by calling them brats. Sasuke is leaf village's ~1 rookie. And the other one is the show-off, hyper-active #1 loudest ninja in the village.
Naruto (While Haku and Sasuke were fighting) Uzumaki Naruto has finally arrived. Now that I am here, everything will be fine.
Naruto: The main character of the story usually shows up in these types of situations and instantly kicks the enemy's ass.
Kakashi Sensei (thinking about Naruto): Jeez that idiot! What kind of loud entrance is that? And he calls himself a ninja?
Naruto (to Sasuke): Hey! I came to save you.
Sasuke (to Naruto): You total Moron. If you are a shinobi then use your head.
Naruto (to Sasuke): What did you say? I came to save you and this is what I get?
Naruto: I can't die here. I have a dream I must fulfil.
Haku: This bridge is the place where we fight to connect to our dreams. Me, for my dream and you for your dream. Please don't hate me. I want to protect someone precious to me. To work for that person, to fight for that person, to make that person's dream come true. That is my dream.
Zabuza: They don't yet have the strength to destroy their hearts and kill another person.
Zabuza: A real shinobi can't be created in a peaceful village like yours because you can't gain the most important thing; the experience of killing.
Zabuza (to Kakashi): A Shinobi's supreme technique is not something that should be showed to the opponent over and over.
Kakashi Sensei (to Zabuza): You should feel honoured. You are the only person to see it twice and there won't be a third time.
Sasuke (to Naruto): Jeez all you do is get in the way. What's with that face you moron. I hated you but I don't know, my body just moved on it's own … Idiot.
Haku (to Naruto about Sasuke): To protect a precious person knowing it was a trap, he was able to still jump in. He is a shinobi that deserve respect.
Naruto (to Haku) Shut up! I won't forgive you . . . I will kill you.
P.S. If you think i have missed any of the other quotes, please leave a comment [along with the episode title and time frame or manga page] so i can update the list. Thanks :)
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