Adding own CSS to Blogger

For Begineers

  1. Click on Template
  2. When it loads, you will see 'Live on blog'. Now click on Customize
  3. On the top left hand corner, you will see few options. Click on Advanced
  4. Once you have done that, few options appears. Scroll down to the end and you will find Add CSS

For Advanced Users

  1. Click on Template
  2. When it loads, you will see 'Live on blog'. Now click on Edit HTML
  3. Once you have done that, You will see HTML/CSS code. Scroll down to find |b:skin| ... |/b:skin|
  4. Click anywhere in the line so that it expands. Paste you'r code at the end of the declerations (Just before ]]>|/b:skin| )
    ----------------------------------------------- */

    margin:1em 20px;
    border: 1px solid #619644;
    padding: 10px;
    background-color: #b1d2a3;

    /* CSS OF MY OWN DECLERATION ENDS HERE ----------------------------------------------- */

    ]]> |/b:skin|

    NOTE: REPLACE all "|" before and after b:skin and /b:skin with "<" and ">"

  • Once finished adding/editing CSS, Click on Save Template [It is just above the CODE section]
  • I will leave an example of CSS and how i used it in my blog in the next post.

    I hope that this post helped you in some way :)

    © 2013 Pravab
    HTML5 Powered with CSS3 / Styling, and Semantics
