
Showing posts from September, 2013

Naruto quotes [Volume 31-33: Episodes 254 - 299]

Lee Sensei: That was a strong enemy. Indeed it was a clone of me after all. Lee Sensei (to Kakashi): I expect nothing less from my rival. Naruto: I couldn't save Sasuke and I couldn't save Gaara. For three years I trained desperately but nothing has changed, has it? Chiyo Sama: In this world of shinobi made by many foolish people, I am glad that someone such as yourself has appeared. My past . . . everything I have done has been nothing but one mistake after another; still in my very last moments, it looks like I will finally be able to set things right. Tobi: I got it, I got it Zetsu san. With this I can become a member of Akatsuki too, right? There is an opening now (referring to Sasori's death. Naruto (to Gaara): I guess this is when you normally shake hands and part ways but I am bad at that kind of thing. Shino (to Naruto): Just because it's been a long time since we've met, you should at least recognize the face of a comrade ...

म झुक्दै नझुक्ने नेपालको छोरो - गोपाल योन्जन

म झुक्दै नझुक्ने नेपालको छोरो - गोपाल योन्जन बनेको छ पहराले यो छाती मेरो बगेको छ छहरा रगतमा मेरो पखेरुमा जन्मी, पाखुरामा खेल्ने म झुक्दै नझुक्ने नेपालको छोरो म झुक्दै नझुक्ने नेपालको छोरो खोसेको रोटीले मेरो पेट भरिन्न मागेको धोतीले मेरो लाज छोपिन्न खोसेको रोटीले मेरो पेट भरिन्न मागेको धोतीले मेरो लाज छोपीन्न घोटिऐर हात पाऊ झरी जाऊ नौला तर कोई अगाडी यी हात जोडिन्न यी हात जोडिन्न बनेको छ पहराले यो छाती मेरो बगेको छ छहरा रगतमा मेरो पखेरुमा जन्मी, पाखुरीमा खेल्ने म झुक्दै नझुक्ने नेपालको छोरो म झुक्दै नझुक्ने नेपालको छोरो आ आ आ आ आ आ आ आ आ आ आ आ आ आ आ आ म आगो सहन्छु, अन्याय सहन्न म ति्ष्ना सहन्छु, तिरस्कार सहन्न म आगो सहन्छु, अन्याय सहन्न म ति्ष्ना सहन्छु, तिरस्कार सहन्न मेरो शिर उडाऊ, बरु त्यो सहन्छु तर कोहि परायाले टेके सहन्न, टेके सहन्न बनेको छ पहराले यो छाती मेरो बगेको छ छहरा रगतमा मेरो पखेरुमा जन्मी, पाखुरीमा खेल्ने म झुक्दै नझुक्ने नेपालको छोरो म झुक्दै नझुक्ने नेपालको छोरो © 2013 Pravab ...

यात्री - महाकवि लक्ष्मीप्रसाद देवकोटा (कविता)

"यात्री" ~ महाकवि लक्ष्मीप्रसाद देवकोटा कुन मन्दिरमा जान्छौ यात्री, कुन मन्दिरमा जाने हो? कुन सामग्री पुजा गर्ने, साथ कसोरी लाने हो? मानिसहरूको काँध चढी, कुन देवपुरीमा जाने हो? हाडहरूका सुन्दर खम्बा, मांसपिण्डका दिवार ! मस्तिष्कको यो सुनको छाना, इन्द्रियहरूका द्वार ! नसा-नदीका तरल तर, मन्दिर आफू अपार ! कुन मन्दिरमा जान्छौ यात्री, कुन मन्दिरको द्वार ? मनको सुन्दर सिंहासनमा, जगदिश्वरको राज ! चेतनाको यो ज्योति हिरण्यमय, उसको शिरको ताज ! शरिरको यो सुन्दर मन्दिर, विश्वक्षेत्रको माझ। भित्र छ ईश्वर बाहिर आँखा, खोजी हिड्छौ कुन पुर? ईश्वर बस्तछ गहिराइमा, सतह बहन्छौ कति दुर? खोजी गर्छौ हृदय लगाऊ, बत्ति बाली तेज प्रचुर ? साथी यात्री बीच सडकमा, ईश्वर हिड्छ साथ चुम्दछ ईश्वर काम सुनौला, गरिरहेका हात छुन्छ तिलस्मी करले उसले, सेवकहरूको साथ । सडक किनार गाउँछ ईश्वर, चराहरूको तानामा बोल्दछ ईश्वर मानिसहरूका, पिडा, दु:खको गानामा दर्शन किन्तु कहिँ दिँदैन, चर्म-चछुले कानामा । कुन मन्दिरमा जान्छौ यात्री, कुन नव-देश बिरानामा? फर्क फर्क हे ! जाऊ समाऊ, मानिसहरूको पाउ ! मलम ...

कुन मन्दिरमा जान्छौ यात्री - बासुदेव ~ रबिन शर्मा

कुन मन्दिरमा जान्छौ यात्री, कुन मन्दिरमा जाने हो? कुन सामग्री पुजा गर्ने, साथ कसोरी लाने हो? कुन मन्दिरमा जान्छौ यात्री, कुन मन्दिरमा जाने हो? कुन सामग्री पुजा गर्ने, साथ कसोरी लाने हो? कुन मन्दिरमा जान्छौ यात्री? हाडहरूको सुन्दर खम्बा, मांसपिण्डको दिवार ! मस्तिष्कको सुनको छाना, इन्द्रियहरूको द्वार ! नसा-नदीका तरल तरङ्ग, मन्दिर आफू अपार ! कुन मन्दिरमा जान्छौ यात्री? साथी यात्री बीच सडकमा, ईश्वर हिंडछ साथ! चुम्दछ ईश्वर काम सुनौला, गरीरहेको हात! छुन्छ तिलस्मी करले उसले, सेवकहरूको साथ! कुन मन्दिरमा जान्छौ यात्री? फर्क फर्क हे ! जाऊ समाऊ, मानिसहरूको पाउ ! मलम लगाऊ आर्तहरूको, चहराइरहेको घाउ! मानिसहरु भइ ईश्वरको त्यो, दिव्य मुहार हँसाऊ कुन मन्दिरमा जान्छौ यात्री? सडक किनार गाउँछ ईश्वर, चराहरूको तानामा बोल्दछ ईश्वर मामानिसहरूको, पिडा, दु:खको गानामा दर्शन किन्तु कहिँ दिँदैन, चर्म-चछुले कानामा। कुन मन्दिरमा जान्छौ यात्री, कुन मन्दिरमा जाने हो? कुन सामग्री पुजा गर्ने, साथ कसोरी लाने हो? कुन मन्दिरमा जान्छौ यात्री. . . © ...

Naruto quotes [Volume 29-30: Episodes 254 - 271]

Kakashi Sensei (to Naruto): Naruto I will handle him but this time I want you to cover me. Really I want to say “hurry ahead” brashly but even with as his opponent, I can't handle him by himself. Chiyo Sama: Since the bijuu have inconceivable power, every country wanted to use them for military affairs. A 'Jinchuuriki' is so to speak something that exists to control that power. Over time people have tried to control that power by sealing the bijuu in humans. By doing that the overwhelming power of bijuu is compressed and that power could be directed and the one who had bijuu sealed in them are called Jinchuuriki. Kakashi Sensei: Naruto is not doing this for the sand. He is a Jinchuuriki, just like Gaara kun. More than anyone in the sand, Naruto understands his feelings. The kind of treatment a Jinchuuriki receives since no matter the village, there is no difference. That's why he won't let himself let Gaara go; Konoha and the Sand, to him t...

Naruto quotes [Volume 27-28: Episodes 236 - 253]

Shikaku (to Shikamaru): Even if you quit being a shinobi, a mission will still occur and someone will carry them out. Your companion will just go out with a new leader. So then, maybe your companion will die. But if you are their leader that time . . . your companion may not reach that end. Shikaku (to Shikamaru): If your companion are really important to you then before you think about running away, consider that you may become greater for the sake of your friends. That's what it means to be a real companion you coward! Jiraiya Sensei: It's not only jutsu and power, as Shinobi's we must make sure that we always have proper judgement and make good decisions. If you live as a shinobi, you must be wise; if you are a fool then it will be a world full of pain. That's reality. Naruto: If that's what is means to be wise, i'd be happier living as a fool. Rock Lee: Youth never waits! 4th Hokage: Kakashi, of course the rules and reg...

यति धेरै माया दिई - नारायण गोपाल

यति धेरै माया दिई मन भरी दुख नदेउ यति धेरै माया दिई मन भरी दुख नदेउ बाटो वर-पर फुल्ने पलास टिपी शिरमा नलाउ यति धेरै माया दिई . . . जो भाग्यमा कोरिएका सुख दुख स्वीकार छन् जो भाग्यमा कोरिएका सुख दुख स्वीकार छन् केही तिता पल, केही मीठा पल सबै सबै स्वीकार छन् यी हातहरु प्रशस्त छन्, भो सान्त्वना मलाई नदेउ यति धेरै माया दिई . . . यो बाटोमा कति काँढा कति फूल टिपी हिंडें यो बाटोमा कति काँढा कति फूल टिपी हिंडें कति पराई आफ्ना देखें, कति आफ्ना पराई भेटें यो जिंदगीको मोडमा भो सहारा मलाई नदेउ यति धेरै माया दिई, मन भरी दुख नदेउ यति धेरै माया दिई . . . © 2013 Pravab

जहाँ छन् बुद्धका आँखा - भक्त राज आचार्य

जहाँ छन् बुद्धका आँखा, स्निग्ध शान्त र शुन्दर त्यहाँ छ शान्तिको क्षेत्र, मेरो राष्ट्र मनोहर प्राण भन्दा प्यारो लाग्छ, मेरो देश कता कता छल्किन्छ ममता मेरो , भाव गंगा जता जता . . . जहाँ छन् बुद्धका आँखा . . . माया नेपालको लाग्छ, नेपाली इतिहासको माया नेपालको लाग्छ, नेपाली इतिहासको माया प्रकृतिको लाग्छ, कला भाषा र भेषको पुर्खाको मन्त्र यो जप्छु, चौतारीमा बसी जननी जन्म भूमिश्च, स्वर्गदपी गरियसी . . . जहाँ छन् बुद्धका आँखा . . . छ ठुलो चाहाना मेरो, आमालाई हँसाउने छ ठुलो चाहाना मेरो, आमालाई हँसाउने सर्बोच्च शिखरबाट, बिश्व शान्ति सुनाउने यही प्यारो मृतिक्का माथि, पौरखी बनि कन पार्छु यो चाहाना पूर्ण, गरि देह समर्पण . . . जहाँ छन् बुद्धका आँखा, स्निग्ध शान्त र शुन्दर त्यहाँ छ शान्तिको क्षेत्र, मेरो राष्ट्र मनोहर प्राण भन्दा प्यारो लाग्छ, मेरो देश कता कता छल्किन्छ ममता मेरो , भाव गंगा जता जता . . . जहाँ छन् बुद्धका आँखा . . . © 2013 Pravab

Blog Under Maintenance

THE Template, Layout,, Widgets and some CSS CODE are Under Maintenance You can still view the contents of the blog, it's just the look and feels :) SPECIAL THANKS to without whose code the widgets wouldn't have been in the blog. I am still viewing few more widgets and playing around with the code. And yes i am posting it as a different user to try something out :) Thank you 

Example of using CSS and HTML to Blogger

This is how my custom CSS is. If you are having problem, don't worry, an example will follow. THIS PART CSS IS IN YOUR MAIN BLOGGER CSS. If you do not know how to make your own CSS, see here section#articles { margin: 10px; text-align: justify; font-family:Verdana,Sans-Serif; font-size: small; line-height:160%; } #msg1 { color:red; } #msg2 { color: #674ea7; } #end_links { font-family: Trebuchet MS,sans-serif; font-weight: bold; color: #674ea7; margin: 10px; } Well as of the design of how i use it: This is the first paragraph. This is the second paragraph and it will be in 'red color'{see CSS above}. This is the third paragraph and it will use the color code "#674ea7" The code below is what is used |section id="articles"| ...

Adding own CSS to Blogger

For Begineers Click on Template When it loads, you will see 'Live on blog' . Now click on Customize On the top left hand corner, you will see few options. Click on Advanced Once you have done that, few options appears. Scroll down to the end and you will find Add CSS For Advanced Users Click on Template When it loads, you will see 'Live on blog' . Now click on Edit HTML Once you have done that, You will see HTML/CSS code. Scroll down to find |b:skin| ... |/b:skin| Click anywhere in the line so that it expands. Paste you'r code at the end of the declerations (Just before ]]>|/b:skin| ) /* BLOCKOCODE ----------------------------------------------- */ #blockquote { margin:1em 20px; border: 1px solid #619644; padding: 10px; background-color: #b1d2a3; } /* CSS OF MY OWN DECLERATION ENDS HERE ----------------------------------------------- */ ]]> |...

Naruto quotes [Volume 22-26: Episodes 191 - 235]

Shikamaru: I am a bum whose favourite thing to do is watch the clouds and the last thing i'd what to be doing is to be leading a team and giving orders . . . but if there is something I can do for my team, it is to trust them. Rock Lee: The leaf's proud azure breast has reincarnated . . . I am Rock Lee. Shikamaru: I can't stand being protected by a woman. Rock Lee: My teacher said to me that luck is a part of real strength . . . Gaara: The person that's important to you isn't always good. Even if you know they are bad, a person can't defeat loneliness . . . Sasuke: I have my own path. I won't let anyone lead me any other way. . . no matter who it is. Sasuke: I have been awake all this time from a dream by my foolish self who dreamed of a future with comrades drunken with the assurance of peace. That is why I left the village, that's why I desired power. Sasuke: The future is not where my dream is, it's in th...

Naruto Volume 17-21 quotes [Episodes 145 - 190]

Jiraiya Sensei: There are 'three sins' that shinobi is forbidden to do. These are three things to stay from! The three vices I will point out are alcohol. Women and money! Orochimaru: Your stupidity still hasn't been cured Jiraiya! Jiraiya (to Orochimaru about Naruto): You still don't understand what it takes for a shinobi to be called a ninja. The most important ninja talent is not the number of techniques one acquires, the important thing is a spirit which never gives up! Jiraiya (to Tsunade): The Hokage of the hidden leaf's always protected those in the village, they always dreamed of achieving peace in the chaotic world and bring prosperity to the village. They bet their lives of their dream! Toad Boss: Manda and Orochimaru, Katsuyu and Tsunade, long time no see. What, planning some special reunion eh? Jiraiya? Shikamaru: Damn I hate women. They are selfish and annoying. They always act all cordial and friendly, I can never...