
In country like Nepal, F/LOSS is not an alternative, rather is it the only way we could prosper in ICT; this was the idea behind the project name ‘Nirvikalpa’. Nirvikalpa CD is a collection of F/LOSS target for the general public using Microsoft operating system. The applications are divided and organised by categories. In Nirvikalpa CD 2.0 the education category contains 9 F/LOSS materials. 


EBarnamala is an application which is useful to the children who are beginning to learn the Nepali language. It helps the child to recognize colours, animals, money, learn time, understand character and all the basic things to start with. It also helps them to learn math’s in native language. 


It is enhanced calculator software which supports different mathematical equations from calculus to derivatives, statistical analysis etc.

Tux Typing 2:

Tux is the Linux penguin.  Tux typing is a typing tutor which is used as an educational game for children helping then learn how to type correctly.


It is a space simulator and is not confined to the earth. It gives the user’s ability to travel through the universe in three dimensional (3D). Users can go back in time to see what the universe was at that time period, what it was like.  


It is a planetarium for user workstation.  The users can see the sky and stars like when they are outside and looking at it through their naked eye.  It allows the users to zoom so that the user can see the stars and universe more closely. When the users click on any star, it displays the information about that star, for example its name, magnitude, distance, apparent diameter etc. It also provides a feature to see the constellations names and their lines. The users can set the coordinates and see what is in that coordinate. 


It helps the mathematical teachers and students from primary to university level. 


It is targeted for kindergarten students to train them to use the computer peripherals and help them learn about the letters, numbers, sound and images.

The Babbleback Machine:

This software records the sound and plays it back with the waveform with some delay as adjusted by the user.  It helps the children starting from six months to learn about the sounds.


TuxMath is an educational game which helps the children learn and practice mathematics. This software makes the learning process more fun and effective (Nirvikalpa, n.d.).



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