FOSS Nepal

FOSS Nepal is a non profit organisation which is run by team of volunteers. They are people who believe in the usage of F/LOSS. The objective of FOSS Nepal is to advocate and spread the usage of F/LOSS in the community. It helps to raise the awareness to the public and different kind of organisations about increasing the capacity of ICT through the use of F/LOSS (FOSS Nepal Community, n.d. a). Some of the events FOSS Nepal held in the past are software freedom day (SFD) 2005,2006, 2007,2008 and 2009,  F/LOSS orientation programs, developing computer curriculum, LTSP trainings, GNU/Linux training and different workshops and training programs through the country (FOSS Nepal Community, n.d. b). FOSS Nepal made it three in a row when it won the SFD competition in 2009 (Software Freedom International, 2009).

MPP had initiated a bi weekly open discussion program for F/LOSS called Linux Ka Kura (LKK). The objective of LKK was to advocate about F/LOSS, GNU/Linux system and make a F/LOSS community in the country (Madan Puraskar Pustakalaya, n.d. e). This was later on renamed as FOSS Ka Kura (FKK) which was organised monthly by FOSS Nepal and to date its currently active. The talk programs are mainly focused in F/LOSS, GNU/Linux and localisation (Nirvikalpa, n.d.).

FOSS Nepal has also volunteered in couple of projects. The most important ones are Nirvikalpa and e-library.



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