
Showing posts from November, 2011

F/LOSS in Education System in Nepal [Conclusion]

Due to the licensing of Free/Libre and Open Source Software (F/LOSS), every user of F/LOSS can enjoy the freedoms and rights that it has to offer. Information and communication technology (ICT) recently has been recognised to play an important role for organisations to be able to meet its business objectives. Even the educational institute have realised the potential it has to offer but due to the high implementation cost and maintenance of the ICT infrastructure, educational institute mainly in the developing countries have been deprived of its use. The study indicates that with the availability of F/LOSS as an alternative, most of the education sector in developing countries have been able to enjoy the benefit ICT has to offer. In the context of Nepal, when the Ministry of education realised the potential of educational sector benefiting for the ICT, they initiated programs to integrate it in the education sector. One Laptop per Child (OLPC) model is the best example to consid...

F/LOSS in Education System in Nepal [Discussion]

From the collected data it can be seen that most of the teachers are using dual boot operating systems (i.e. both Microsoft windows and GNU/Linux) in both their home (50%) and educational institute (57%) whereas the students seem to prefer using only Microsoft Windows operating systems in both home (50%) and educational institute (45%). Even though most of the students tend to are using only Microsoft Windows, it is interesting to see the use of GNU/Linux as the only operating system used in both of the places (17% and 15% in educational institute and home respectively). It can be interpreted that some percentage of the students favour GNU/Linux operating system over the rest whether it is just for educational projects, normal projects or other purpose. The data also suggests that the dual boot operating system is popular in both the educational sector (36%) and in the home desktop (29%). With a high percentage of students using GNU/Linux operating system and dual boot operating sys...

One Laptop per Child (OLPC)

One Laptop per Child (OLPC) goal is to expand education to every child with the help of a low cost laptop. The OLPC laptop runs with GNU/Linux as operating systems and with a unique interface ‘Sugar’ which can be localised. It is developed by F/LOSS users and has customised software developed by each country deployment team (Jones, 2007). OLPC Nepal project is handled by Open Learning Exchange (OLE) Nepal. It is working with the DoE of Nepal to integrate ICT based teaching-learning approach into the country education system. The OLPC deployment was carried in two phase. In the first phase, two schools in Lalitpur district were selected as a pilot project namely Bishwamitra Ganesh Secondary School and Bashuki Lower Secondary School. The project started in April 2008 when 135 laptops were provided to the students from grade 2 and 6 (OLENepal, n.d. a).  Teachers were given training to make them feel comfortable for using laptop in their teaching process. Teachers wanted to be f...