
Showing posts from 2016

Frog and the Boiling water [The Boiling Frog Syndrome!]

Put a frog in a vessel of water and start heating the water. As the temperature of the water rises, the frog is able to adjust its body temperature accordingly. The frog keeps on adjusting with increase in temperature... Just when the water is about to reach boiling point, the frog is not able to adjust anymore. At that point the frog decides to jump out. The frog tries to jump but is unable to do so, because it has lost all its strength in adjusting with the rising water temperature. Very soon the frog dies. What killed the frog? Many of us would say the boiling water... But the truth is what killed the frog was its own inability to decide when it had to jump out. We all need to adjust with people and situations, but we need to be sure when we need to adjust and when we need to confront/face. There are times when we need to face the situation and take the appropriate action... If we allow people to exploit us physically, mentally, emotionally or financially, they wi...

माया गर्नेको चोखो माया पनि देखियो - नारायण गोपाल

माया गर्नेको माया गर्नेको चोखो माया पनि देखियो x 2 बाचा गर्नेको बाचा बन्धन पनि देखियो.. x 2 अह्ह्ह माया गर्नेको चोखो माया पनि देखियो फुल सुकुमार छ x2 निष्पाप छ कोमल भन्थे,कोमल भन्थे फुलको धारले फुलको धारले रेटेको पनि देखियो x 2 माया गर्नेको चोखो माया पनि देखियो x 2 बाचा गर्नेको बाचा बन्धन पनि देखियो.... रोई रोई नछुटिने कसम खानेले, कसम खानेले x2 हाँसी हाँसी, हाँसी हाँसी कसम तोडेको पनि देखियो x2 अह्ह्ह माया गर्नेको चोखो माया पनि देखियो..... प्रेम वरदान हो दुई आत्माको संगम भन्थे कोहि कोहि ले त आत्मा बेचेको पनि देखियो बाचा गर्नेको बाचा बन्धन पनि देखियो.... सबको भगवान छ भगवान ले हेर्छन भन्थे तिम्रो भगवानले हेरेको पनि देखियो माया गर्नेको चोखो माया पनि देखियो.....!! माया गर्नेको चोखो माया पनि देखियो वाचा गर्नेको वाचा बन्धन पनि देखियो फूल सुकुमार छ को निस्पाप छ कोमल भन्थे फूलको धारले रेटेको पनि देखियो रोई रोई नछुट्टिने कसम खानेले हाँसी हाँसी कसम तोडेको पनि देखियो सबको भगवान छ भगवानले हेर्छन् भन्थ्यौ तिम्रो भगवानले हेरेको पनि देखियो

Batch file to run on Windows STARTUP

So, i have had lot of problem myself with the things that i need to do daily while i open my pc 1) Delete temporary files 2) Ping to check the network status Sometimes i also need to flush DNS and renew the IP. Hence, i created this batch file Follow the steps below 1) STARTUP FOLDER - Open the startup folder. Best way to do is i) Press window button on keypad and R at same time {WIN + R] This opens the RUN OR just go to search and type RUN and press enter ii) Paste the line below and hit enter %appdata%\microsoft\windows\start menu\programs\startup\ 2) right click inside the startup folder and select new then new text document Double click on it and paste the code below which is at the end of this tutorial 3)Once done, click on File -> save as Make sure you are inside the Startup Folder Filename: mybatchfile.bat (or w/e the name you prefer [.bat at the end of the name]) Save as type: Select all Files Click save 4) Delete the other file tha...

Isn't it so?

“You can easily judge the character of a man by how he treats those who can do nothing for him . . .” # Malcolm S. Forbes. © 2016 Pravab

Naruto quotes [Volume 60: Episodes 566 - 575]: Kurama

Gai Sensei (to Tobi): Don't forget we have a Sharingan between us too and the noble green beast of Konoha. Kakashi Sensei (to Naruto): I can't be sitting around while one of my team 7 students is overdoing it out here. Gai Sensei: That's my Kakashi, sharp as always! Eight Tails: We tailed beasts have our own emotions, you know Naruto. Watching one of our own treated like that naturally pisses us off. Kyuubi: Keh! Now you start sympathizing? The shinobi have always treated us as pets. Eight-tails, you and that Bee kid are the only exception. Kyuubi (to Eight-tails): Shut your mouth. If we were to go by tails, you are supposed to be the second strongest after me, aren't you? Hurry up and finish them off. I am going to sleep. Kakashi Sensei: What are you mumbling about Naruto? The enemies are upon us. Don't relax just because I am here. Kyuubi: I am not like you eight-tails. I won't wag my tails to a Jinchuuriki as easily as yo...

Naruto quotes [Volume 59: Episodes 556 - 565] : The Five Kage Gathered

Shikamaru: A man with the nine-tails sealed inside of him known as a Jinchuuriki. But ever since he was a kid, he's had a dream of becoming a Hokage and now he's still that same stupid Naruto. Kyuubi: Naruto this time I will lend you my power. I will give you my chakra and it alone. I dislike Madara. If the alternative is being controlled by him, I choose you. Oonoki (before fighting with Madara): The time to pick myself up off the ground is finally here and there is no opponent more worthy. Oonoki (to Madara): We shinobi spend our entire lives in battle. Fighting only for our own countries, our own villages, neverempathizing with others, only taking for ourselves. If we rob, and are robbed in turn . . . If we are robbed from, we take back in revenge. Oonoki (to Madara): I have lived a lot longer than you and I have learned a more too. It's because I understand the suffering of the past that I can think of a better way to create our future. O...

Naruto quotes [Volume 58: Episodes 545 - 555] : Naruto vs Itachi

Gaara's dad: The only thing a parent needs to do is trust in his children. That's all and that in itself has true value. Yasamaru (Gaara's Uncle to Gaara): When your body gets hurt, blood comes from wound and that can make it look painful but after sometime passes, the pain fades away on it's own and if you use medicine, it heals even faster. The problem is with wounds in your heart, there's nothing that can fix those. They can stay with you your whole life and never heal. R Itachi (to Naruto): You have subjugated the nine-tails? I never thought that you would advance so far. R Itachi (to Naruto): I am counting on you to take care of Sasuke. Kabuto: I underestimated him, Uchiha Itachi . . . he's clearly on another level to the others, not even the edo tensei can hold him. Itachi (to Naruto): The ultimate genjutsu of Uchiha Shisui's Mangekyo Sharingan, 'Koto Amatsukami'. Itachi: Shisui's eyes create a most powerf...

My Karma - Abdul Malik

For miles silence reigns For years solitude, My heart is heavy My spirit low And I have a long way to go. In life's eternal journey I walk alone; The night is dark, Somewhere yonder lies my home And I must traverse many silent shores. I cannot laugh, Try as I may, I cannot bring myself to weep, My joys and woes die before they materialize. From dawn to dusk I have toiled often gathering the remnants of my broken dreams. Before a hope is built It crumbles down, Before a wish is fulfilled Frustration overwhelms me. I am helpless, I drift through life, As many a time I think to live As many a time I die! © 2016 Pravab