The emergence and impact of Free/Libre and Open source software (F/LOSS) in education sector in Nepal


“The advances in all of the arts and sciences, indeed the sum total of human knowledge, are the result of the open sharing of ideas, theories, studies and research. Yet throughout many school systems, the software in use on computers is closed and locked, making educators partners in the censorship of the foundational information of this new age” (Vessels, 2001).

Many countries for example Brazil, Malaysia etc. have been implementing Free/Libre and Open Source software (F/LOSS) in some of the sectors and have benefited from introducing F/LOSS. The realistic behind the Brazilian government adopting FOSS policy is based on economics, development and ideology. Developing countries should take these countries as an example and start initiating F/LOSS in different phases for different sector. 

The paper examines the motivation for people in developing countries to use F/LOSS. It also examines how the education sector in developing countries have implemented and benefited from the F/LOSS. The study has been carried out to find the emergence and impact of F/LOSS in the context of Nepal.

This study has identified the educational professionals and students to be motivated to use F/LOSS but has also confirmed the software piracy still to be a major concern in Nepal. Introduction of F/LOSS has allowed the education sector in Nepal to utilise the ICT in teaching and learning process which made a positive impact on the both the teacher and student. F/LOSS has also been found assisting in closing the digital divide in Nepal.


AI                                Artificial Intelligence
CAN                           Computer Association of Nepal
F/LOSS                       Free/Libre and Open Source Software
FKK                            FOSS Ka Kura
FS                                Free/Libre Software
FSF                             Free Software Foundation
GNU                          GNU's Not UNIX
GPL                            General Public License
HEI                             Higher education institution
HeNN                         Help Nepal Network
ICT                              Information and communication technology
ILS                              Integrated Library System
IOSN                          International Open Source Network
ISISJMKeynes            Istituto Statale di Istruzione Superiore J.M. Keynes
ISP                              Internet service providers
LKK                            Linux Ka Kura
LMS                            Learning management system
LTSP                           Linux Terminal Server Project
MOODLE                   Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment
MPP                            Madan Puraskar Pustakalaya
OECD                         Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development
OLE                            Open Learning Exchange
OLPC                          One Laptop per Child
OSI                             Open Source Initiative
OSS                             Open Source Software
PAN                            Pan Asia Networking
SFD                             Software freedom day



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