
Showing posts from May, 2010

The Wall - Pink Floyd :)

┬┴┬┴┬┴┬┴┬┴┬┴┬┴┬┴┬┴┬┴┬┴┬ ┴┬┴┬┴┬┴┬┴┬┴┬┴┬┴┬┴┬┴┬┴┬ ┬┴┬┴┬┴ The Wall ┬┴┬┴┬┴ ┴┬┴┬┴┬┴┬┴┬┴┬┴┬┴┬┴┬┴┬┴┬ ┬┴┬┴┬┴┬┴┬┴┬┴┬┴┬┴┬┴┬┴┬┴

Business Case - an example

Business Case Project/Programme Details: Name: MUTS Shared Service Project Manager: Seenu Appukutan Nair Vinodhini Group: Michael Asante, Kamal, Sreelatha, Jibin and Pravab Dhakal Objective No.: Start Date: January 15, 2010 Completion Date: July 15, 2010 Document Details: Version No: 01 Status: Approved/Draft: Approved by: Issued Date: Last Update Date: Background Services that companies are providing are becoming an even more important feature. There are many universities who provide service to their student and staff and the number are growing each year and thus the competition. The universities are trying to provide their students with better service each year to be in the competition. Students and researchers look for the university that do not only provide with quality education but quality service so that they fell comfortable studying in the university. Lack of service would only hamper students in their journey of getting better education. Hence putti...

Change Management - an example

Every organisation needs change in order to survive in the long run. Change always occurs in the organisation because change is essential. (Fay and Luhrmann, 2004) The process of change is complicated and can have a great effect on the employees of an organisation. Change has to be managed and controlled. It leads the organisation to improve their effectiveness. (Hayes, 2007) The leader must have the ability to identify, analyze and develop the firm’s capacity for change which is one of the most important and difficult aspects of change. (Judge and Douglas, 2009) One of the common definition for change management is ’a set of processes that is employed to ensure that significant changes are implemented in an orderly, controlled and systematic fashion to effect organizational change.’ (techFAQ, n.d.) The University had introduced the IT Service Management course and was successful in attracting many students. Both online and traditional classroom course has been run effectively and t...

Roman to Unicode Nepali Converter

UPDATE: For now i just use web based converter If that is not working, you can use ------------------------------------ OLD BLOG POST Roman to Unicode Nepali Converter : for people who find it difficult to type in Nepali. Well it makes lots of error example type 'Mr' and it changes to 'mar' which means to die. I use Unicode (MPP) itself and it's easy to type too. For example if i want to type 'ma' i hit the key 'm'. Some mins of typying and you will get used to it.
I wish I could meet up with you, apologize, keep you in my arms and say ‘We are with each other. It’s not one day anymore, it’s today.’  Pravab

Do you think the same?

The fact that they made rights is so that they could restrain us from certain other freedom . . . Pravab.

English translation of the song below हिड्दा हिड्दै

Well some people have asked me about translation of the nepali songs. I guess because of the song dedication people wanted to know what it meant, i have tried my best (P.S. If you need any translation of the nepali songs, let me know. I ain't that good at Nepali and Nepali grammer [well i suck lol], but i will give it a shot): हिड्दा हिड्दै दोबाटोमा तिमी त कहाँ हृराई दियौ, While walking, you disappeared in the junction म भने चहीं अल्मलेर तिमीलाई त्यही पर्खी रहे Talking about me, I got confused and waited there for you तिमीले मलाई सोध्धआपनि सोधेनौ You didn’t bother to ask about me तिमीले मलाई कहिलेपनि खोजेनऔ You didn’t even search for me अब त आशपनि मरीसक्यो Now I have lost all the hope रहरहरू मुटूबाट हटीसक्यो Desires are gone from the heart too किन हो किन यस्तैनैभो ओ ओ ओ . . . I don’t know why, but this is how it is . . .

हिड्दा हिड्दै - 1974 A.D.

हिड्दा हिड्दै दोबाटोमा तिमी त कहाँ हृराई दियौ, म भने चहीं अल्मलेर तिमीलाई त्यही पर्खी रहे हिड्दा हिड्दै दोबाटोमा तिमी त कहाँ हृराई दियौ, म भने चहीं अल्मलेर तिमीलाई त्यही पर्खी रहे . . . तिमीले मलाई सोध्धापनि सोधेनौ तिमीले मलाई कहिलेपनि खोजेनऔ तिमीले मलाई सोध्धापनि सोधेनौ तिमीले मलाई कहिलेपनि खोजेनऔ अब त आशपनि मरीसक्यो रहरहरू मुटूबाट हटीसक्यो अब त आशपनि मरीसक्यो रहरहरू मुटूबाट हटीसक्यो किन हो किन यस्तैनैभो ओ ओ ओ . . . तिमीले मलाई सोध्धापनि सोधेनौ तिमीले मलाई कहिलेपनि खोजेनऔ तिमीले मलाई सोध्धापनि सोधेनौ तिमीले मलाई कहिलेपनि खोजेनऔ अब त आशपनि मरीसक्यो रहरहरू मुटूबाट हटीसक्यो अब त आशपनि मरीसक्यो रहरहरू मुटूबाट हटीसक्यो किन हो किन यस्तैनैभो ओ ओ ओ . . . हिड्दा हिड्दै दोबाटोमा तिमी त कहाँ हृराई दियौ, म भने चहीं अल्मलेर तिमीलाई त्यही पर्खी रहे हिड्दा हिड्दै दोबाटोमा तिमी त कहाँ हृराई दियौ, म भने चहीं अल्मलेर तिमीलाई त्यही पर्खी रहे तिमीलाई त्यही पर्खी रहे, तिमीलाई त्यही पर्खी रहे . . .

Virgin Group

The Virgin Group At the age of 16, Richard Branson set up the student magazine. From the beginning his strategy was to identify the subjects that were neglected and not touched by well established companies and this gave him the competitive advantage (Pryce, 2009). In 1970, a mail order record was his new venture from where Virgin was founded. From that time on, he expanded virgin group into travel and tourism, mobile, leisure, mobile, finance etc and created a great empire – Virgin Empire consisting of more than 200 companies in more than 30 countries (Virgin, n.d. e). Branson has invested on companies with long term capital growth or which achieves long term value creation and feels this as the best approach for private companies (Pryce, 2009). Even when there were barriers in the virgin group journey, such as 1972-82 recessions, 1990-91 Persian Gulf War, Branson did not fall back. He continually expended the group into areas which were dominated by the big companies while select...

Forgive and forget is what makes you happy, so does loving someone

I loved you so much that I forgive you but I can’t forget you and the main reason behind it is that I can’t forgive myself. I can’t forgive myself because I can’t forget you as I love you so much.

The Four Noble Truths (Buddhism)

1. Life means suffering. 2. The origin of suffering is attachment. 3. The cessation of suffering is attainable. 4. The path to the cessation of suffering.

BUDDHISM by 11th century Tibetian Buddhist master Atiśa Dipankara Shrijnana

The greatest achievement is selflessness. The greatest worth is self-mastery. The greatest quality is seeking to serve others. The greatest precept is continual awareness. The greatest medicine is the emptiness of everything. The greatest action is not conforming with the worlds ways. The greatest magic is transmuting the passions. The greatest generosity is non-attachment. The greatest goodness is a peaceful mind. The greatest patience is humility. The greatest effort is not concerned with results. The greatest meditation is a mind that lets go. The greatest wisdom is seeing through appearances.

one of the greatest phrase ever

भन्ने कुरा कति थियो छाती भित्रै रहयो, परेलिका ओठबाट आँसु झरी रहयो . . .

Bir Gorkhali Lyrics

Patrick, G. (2010) Gurkha guarding Rooney mansion [online]. THE SUN, London. 7th may 2010. Available from: s/2962496/Wayne-Rooney-hires-a-Gurkha-to -guard-his-mansion-during-the-World-Cup. html [Accessed 9th May, 2010] Gorkhali ko choro ma Gorkhe mero naam Aailaagne satru ko Ma garchu kaam tamaam Itihaas paltaai hera ya purkhalai sodha Jitekai chau sansarlai Aru ko jastai dukhkha cha haamilai Nirdayi ta hoinau haami pani Bir bir bir Gorkhali - X 2 Pahada ko choro ma Gorkhe mero naam Kaile pani kaile ghaam Khole shishnu haamro maam Angaalchu jaati lai Sangeet ra sanskar lai Garva cha malai aafnaipanma Gaauchu pahadaima Deushi ra bhailo ma Maato ko maya chadai cha ni Bir bir bir Gorkhali - X 2 Gorkhali ko choro ma Gorkhe mero naam Aailaagne satru ko Ma garchu kaam tamaam Itihaas paltaai hera ya purkhalai sodha Jitekai chau sansarlai Aru ko jastai dukhkha cha haamilai Nirdayi ta hoinau haami pani

केही मिठो बात गर - नारायण गोपाल

केही मिठो बात गर, रात तेसै ढल्किदै छ *2 भरे फेरि एकांतमा,रुनु त छदै छ केही मिठो बात गर, रात तेसै ढल्किदै छ रमाइलो कुरा गर,सपनाको कुरा गर *2 संगसंगै बिताएको सम्झनको कुरा गर सम्झनाको कुरा गर दुखः छोड, दुख़ःलाइ त जिन्दगानी छदै छ भरे फेरि एकांतमा रुनु त छदै छ केही मिठो बात गर रात तेसै ढल्किदै छ आउ नाचौ अध्यारोमा, जूनकीरि नाचे जस्तै *2 बतासमा उडौ आज, सिमलको भुवा जस्तै सिमलको भुवा जस्तै दुई कदम साथ हिडौ, छुटिनु त छदै छ भरे फेरि एकांतमा रुनु त छदै छ केही मिठो बात गर, रात तेसै ढल्किदै छ . . .

पर्खी बसे आउला भनि - नारायण गोपाल

पर्खी बसे आउला भनि मेरो उठने पालो * 2 कुर्दा कुर्दै जिन्दगी नै भै गएछ कालो..कालो भै गएछ कालो, मेरो उठने पालो (वारि पारि अँध्यारो छ आँखा खोली हेर्दा अँध्यारो नै देखिन्छ नि आँखा चिम्ली हेर्दा) * 2 आफ्नै छाँया आफै सँग भागी हिँड्न ठाल्यो * 2 आफ्नै माँया आफैलाई बोझ लाग्न ठाल्यो ठाल्यो बोझ लाग्न ठाल्यो * 2 (तातो हाँवा बहिदिन्छ मुटु पोल्ने गरी निराशाको दियो बल्छ तिनै जल्ने गरी) * 2 वर्षौ भयो चलेकै छ मन भित्र यो आँधी * 2 बाँध्यतामा बाँच्नु पर्यो चाहनालाई बाँधी बाँधी चाहनालाई बाँधी * 2 पर्खि बसे आउला भनि मेरो उठने पालो * 2

यस्तो पनि हुँदो रहेछ - फत्तेमान

यस्तो पनि हुँदो रहेछ जिन्दगीमा कहिले कहिले कसैलाई माया गर्नु एउटा भुल गरे मैले यस्तो पनि हुँदो रहेछ मेरो जस्तो माया दिने तिमिलाइ हजार होला तिम्रो लागि मेरा जस्ता हजार हजार मुटु रोला जसलाइ आफ्नो सम्झेको थियेँ उही बिरानो भयो अहिले कसैलाई माया गर्नु एउटा भुल गरे मैले यस्तो पनि हुँदो रहेछ मेरो माया कुल्चिजाने तिम्रो माया फलोस फुलोस मेरो इच्छा मारि जाने तिम्रो इच्छा सधै पुगोस उदास आख़ाँ मेरा पनि सपना देख्थे कहिले कहिले कसैलाई माया गर्नु एउटा भुल गरे मैले यस्तो पनि हुँदो रहेछ

मर्न बरु गाह्रो हुन्न - फत्तेमान

मर्न बरु गाह्रो हुन्न-२, तिम्रो माया मार्नै सकिन्न -२ मर्न बरु गाह्रो हुन्न-२, तिम्रो माया मार्नै सकिन्न -२ बशन्त को हरियाली फूल संगै ओइली जान्छ-२ निलो भुइँको सेतो बादल हावा संगै उडी जान्छ तर तिम्रो न्यानो माया-२ अझैं पनि न्यानो नै छ तिम्रो माया मार्नै सकिन्न -२ मर्न बरु गाह्रो हुन्न-२, तिम्रो माया मार्नै सकिन्न -२ धेरै लामो बाटो हामी संग संगै हिंडी सक्यौं-२ टाढा टाढा कता कता हामी दुवै पुगी सक्यौं तर अन्त्य यसको यहीं-२ भन्न अझै मनै भएन तिम्रो माया मार्नै सकिन्न -२ मर्न बरु गाह्रो हुन्न-२, तिम्रो माया मार्नै सकिन्न -२