Dependency Service/Group Failed to Start

Well guys try these

Run Command Prompt as an administrator in SAFE MODE. To do so, click on start and type cmd where you will search. right click on CMD and run it as admin. See the picture below to do so (This is for Window 7).

In the command line (with Administrator privilege) type:

-> netsh winsock reset catalog
Then restart and check

Note: Winsock is short for “Windows Sockets” and describes how a Windows system should access network services (Fitzgerald,2006). This command resets the Winsock catalog to the default configuration. This can be useful if a malformed LSP is installed that results in loss of network connectivity (Srinivasan, 2010). netsh winsock reset command resets the winsock catalog back to default setting.

In the command line (with Administrator privilege) type:

-> netsh int ip reset c:\resetlog.txt
Then restart and check

NOTE: This command is to manually reseting the TCP/IP. When you run the reset command, it overwrites the following registry keys, both of which are used by TCP/IP:


This has the same effect as removing and reinstalling TCP/IP. To run the manual command successfully, you must specify a name for the log file in which the netsh actions will be recorded. This log file is referred to as "resetlog.txt" (MicrosoftSupport).

In the command line (with Administrator privilege) type:

-> sfc /scannow
Then restart and check

The utility will scan your system files and attempt to repair any damage that it finds.

System File Checker (sfc)
Scans and verifies the versions of all protected system files after you restart your computer.
/scannow : Scans all protected system files immediately

If the above does not work, try the solutions in this link to manually start the services

Good luck


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