To remove Vista Smart Security from your system
It gets into your system with the help of Trojans, which is an antispyware program. It detects infection (well when I looked at it, it seemed fake to me) and for removing them, it ask you to purchase the full licensed version (basically a scam).
It begins running everytime you boot the system and you cannot remove it from the add/remove program. Well at least in mine, It didn’t appear there. It’s really irritating as everytime you are doing sometime it interrupts you.
Well here is the way how you can remove it (worked for me and I hope it works for you guys too).
1) Open a notepad in your desktop
2) Copy the text below into the notepad
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
@="\"%1\" %*"
"Content Type"="application/x-msdownload"
3) Go to file and click save as
4) Name it as fix.reg
5) Close the notepad
6) Double click in the file you just saved (fix.reg) and let it run
7) Restart your computer
Hope this works for you guys too, good luck :)
It begins running everytime you boot the system and you cannot remove it from the add/remove program. Well at least in mine, It didn’t appear there. It’s really irritating as everytime you are doing sometime it interrupts you.
Well here is the way how you can remove it (worked for me and I hope it works for you guys too).
1) Open a notepad in your desktop
2) Copy the text below into the notepad
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
@="\"%1\" %*"
"Content Type"="application/x-msdownload"
3) Go to file and click save as
4) Name it as fix.reg
5) Close the notepad
6) Double click in the file you just saved (fix.reg) and let it run
7) Restart your computer
Hope this works for you guys too, good luck :)
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