
Showing posts from January, 2011

Think Before You Speak . . .

Here are six reasons why you should think before you speak - the last one is great! Have you ever spoken and wished that you could immediately take the words back... or that you could crawl into a hole? Here are the Testimonials of a few people who did.... FIRST TESTIMONY: I walked into a hair salon with my husband and three kids in tow and asked loudly, 'How much do you charge for a shampoo and a blow job?' I turned around and walked back out and never went back My husband didn't say a word... he knew better. SECOND TESTIMONY: I was at the golf store comparing different kinds of golf balls. I was unhappy with the women's type I had been using. After browsing for several minutes, I was approached by one of the good-looking gentlemen who works at the store. He asked if he could help me. Without thinking, I looked at him and said, 'I think I like playing with men's balls' THIRD TESTIMONY: My sister and I were at the mall and passed by a store that so...

Feeding the hungry, nourishing the soul: CNN Hero Narayanan Krishnan

It just takes one step and god will help for the rest of the way. One of the most inspiring people from India. God bless him and his cause. The world needs more people like him . . . Interview with CNN Hero Narayanan Krishnan (Video describing what he has done and the interview) Video without the interview:

Nokia E63 Bluetooth and WLAN MAC address

As the topic says: To get the Bluetooth device address for this model: *#2820# To get the WLAN MAC address for this model: *#62209526# I haven't tried it in other model yet. I will update when i do. Hope it helps :)


Nash was correct to say ' Classes will dull your mind, destroy the potential for authentic creativity. ' He should have added that fact that education sucks your life and feeds you with the craps thats already there, which has potential to stop you from moving forward, discovering something new.  ' I don't need a degree which only provides me of what's already there, i seek for knowledge which will help me to reach where no one else has . . . ' Pravab

The Victor ~ C. W. Longenecker ~

If you think you are beaten, you are. If you think you dare not, you don’t If you like to win but think you can’t, It’s almost a cinch you won’t. If you think you’ll lose, you’re lost. For out in the world we find Success begins with a fellow’s will. It’s all in the state of mind. If you think you are outclassed, you are. You’ve got to think high to rise. You’ve got to be sure of yourself before You can ever win the prize. Life’s battles don’t always go To the stronger or faster man. But sooner or later, the man who wins Is the man who thinks he can.

Quote with my little story

'If you think you can, you may; If you think you can't, you won't . . .' Back in 1998 while i was playing cricket (i wasn't good at it), we needed 37 runs to win and i was the only one left. I always went last (for layman: best batsman bats first while the worst bats last in non professional games). I was afraid because our opponents were among the best and they bowled fast. I had already faced 1 ball and i couldn't even connect it with my bat and it was the last bowl of the over. I was really nervous to see my team who were watching me from the other side of the field while some were already off to shop for some cold drinks. I think they had in mind that we already had lost. I took my time before the bowler bowled the new over. In my left side were trees and behind it the football stadium of my hometown. I could hear the referee blow whistle while some runners running in the track. I watched them run and put more effort every lap. They wanted to get in the B...

I think this is what people need to consider and always do things for self satisfaction and good of others

Hannibal Lecter to Clarice : Those people you despise almost as much as they despise you. Would they give you a medal, Clarice, do you think? Would you have it professionally framed and hang it on your wall to look at and remind you of your courage and incorruptibility? All you would need for that, Clarice, is a mirror . (Hannibal, 2001)