
Showing posts from October, 2012

Naruto Volume 8 quotes [Episodes 64 - 72]

Naruto (to Iruka Sensei): From the moment I received this leaf forehead protector, I’m no longer an academy student. There is no need to worry and this is the symbol that I am all grown up right? The part about me never relaxing may not have changed, but I am not a kid any more! 3rd Hokage: The true reason for the chuunin exams: Why do we have all the alliances countries taking the exam together? 'To promote friendship among the countries' 'To raise the level of shinobi'. I don't want you to be confused about the true meaning. This exam is a replacement for war among the allied countries. If you go back in time, all the current allies were enemies who fought each other over who would rule. In order to prevent wasteful fighting, the stage that these countries chose for battle that is the origins of this chuunin selection exam. 3rd Hokage: The strength of the country is the strength of the village, the strength of the village is the strength ...