Lean Management, Lean principle and Lean Framework

LEAN MANAGEMENT In recent years, lean has become a powerful management philosophy that many of the companies have adopted but only few have actually achieved. This is because lean management is an ever ending journey and most of the companies have diverted their resources somewhere else after achieving lean (Trent, 2008). During his research with companies and cases, Trent found out that almost all the previous work in lean is towards manufacturing firms and the operations within manufacturing and explains that the managers should realize that lean practices goes beyond organizations to supply chain (Trent, 2009). Also researchers such as Sandelands (1994) and Avery (2003) asserted the importance of lean supply strategy outside the manufacturing firms. Lean is defined as ‘the systematic removal of waste by all members of the organization from all areas of the values stream’ where value stream mapping is mapping and analysing the activities in the processes (Womack and Jone...